How to Find the Best Contractor Accountants: A Comprehensive Guide - More Than Accountants

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How to Find the Best Contractor Accountants: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Find the Best Contractor Accountants: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re a contractor, finding the right accountant can make a big difference in your business. A good accountant can help you save money on taxes, manage your finances, and provide valuable advice on growing your business. However, finding the best contractor accountant can be a daunting task. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start.

The first step in finding the best contractor accountant is to do your research. Look for accountants who specialise in working with contractors, as they will have a better understanding of your unique needs and challenges. You can start by asking for recommendations from other contractors in your industry or by searching online for contractor accountants in your area. Once you have a list of potential accountants, be sure to read reviews and check their qualifications and experience.

Understanding Contractor Accountancy

As a contractor, managing your finances and taxes can be a daunting task. That’s where a contractor accountant comes in. They are experts in managing the finances of contractors and freelancers, helping them to save money and stay compliant with tax laws. In this section, we’ll discuss the role of a contractor accountant and the benefits of specialised accountancy.

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Role of a Contractor Accountant

A contractor accountant is an accountant who specialises in working with contractors and freelancers. They understand the unique needs of contractors and can offer tailored advice and services. A contractor accountant can help you with tasks such as:

  • Setting up a limited company
  • Managing your finances and bookkeeping
  • Preparing and filing your tax returns
  • Ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations
  • Providing advice on IR35 and other tax issues
  • Offering support and guidance throughout the year

When choosing a contractor accountant, it’s important to choose a specialist who has experience working with contractors in your industry. A specialist contractor accountant will have a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing contractors and can offer tailored advice and services.

Contractor accountants specialise in managing the unique financial and tax needs of contractors and freelancers. Their services range from setting up limited companies to handling tax returns and offering IR35 advice. Gain a deeper understanding of their role at What is a Contractor? and explore An Introduction to Payroll.

Benefits of Specialised Accountancy

There are many benefits to using a specialised contractor accountant. Here are just a few:

  • Save time: A contractor accountant can take care of your finances, so you can focus on your work and your business.
  • Save money: A specialist contractor accountant can help you save money by ensuring you’re taking advantage of all available tax deductions and allowances.
  • Stay compliant: A contractor accountant can ensure you’re complying with all tax laws and regulations, helping you avoid costly penalties and fines.
  • Get expert advice: A specialist contractor accountant can offer expert advice and guidance on tax issues, ensuring you’re making the best decisions for your business.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that your finances are in the hands of a specialist contractor accountant can give you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your work and your business.

When choosing a contractor accountant, it’s important to choose a specialist who understands your needs and can offer tailored advice and services. Look for a contractor accountant with experience working with contractors in your industry and who has a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing contractors.

A specialised contractor accountant saves you time and money, ensures tax compliance, and provides expert financial advice. Understand more about these benefits from The Value of Bookkeeping Software for Small Businesses.

Qualifications and Credentials

When choosing a contractor accountant, one of the most important things to consider is their qualifications and credentials. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Chartered vs Certified Accountants

There are two main types of accountants in the UK: Chartered Accountants (CAs) and Certified Accountants (CAs). Both types of accountants are highly qualified and regulated by their respective professional bodies.

Chartered Accountants are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) or the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). They have completed a rigorous training programme and passed a series of exams to earn their qualification. Chartered Accountants are required to adhere to strict ethical and professional standards, and many are experts in tax planning and compliance.

Certified Accountants, on the other hand, are members of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). They have also completed a rigorous training programme and passed a series of exams to earn their qualification. Certified Accountants are also required to adhere to strict ethical and professional standards, and many are experts in tax planning and compliance.

When choosing a contractor accountant, it’s important to consider whether you need a Chartered Accountant or a Certified Accountant. If you have complex accounting needs, such as international tax planning or audit services, you may want to consider a Chartered Accountant. On the other hand, if you have more straightforward accounting needs, such as bookkeeping and tax returns, a Certified Accountant may be a better fit.

Professional Bodies

In addition to their qualifications, you should also consider whether your contractor accountant is affiliated with a professional body. Affiliation with a professional body, such as ICAEW or ACCA, can provide additional assurance of the accountant’s expertise and professionalism.

Professional bodies require their members to adhere to strict ethical and professional standards, and provide ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure their members stay up-to-date with the latest accounting practices and regulations.

Choosing between Chartered and Certified Accountants is essential, as each offers different expertise. Their affiliation with professional bodies like ICAEW or ACCA also matters. For more details, read What’s the Difference Between an Accountant and a Chartered Accountant?.

Selecting the Right Accountant

When it comes to finding the best contractor accountant for your business, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key things to keep in mind as you assess potential candidates.

Assessing Experience and Expertise

One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a contractor accountant is their level of experience and expertise. Look for an accountant who has experience working with contractors and freelancers, as they will be well-versed in the unique financial needs and challenges of your industry.

In addition, consider the accountant’s qualifications and certifications. A qualified accountant should be a member of a recognised professional body, such as the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

Evaluating Trust and Reputation

Trust and reputation are also crucial factors to consider when selecting a contractor accountant. Look for an accountant who has a strong reputation in the industry and a track record of success working with clients like you.

One way to evaluate an accountant’s reputation is to read reviews and testimonials from their past clients. Look for an accountant who has received positive feedback from clients and who has a reputation for providing high-quality service.

Reviewing Fee Structures

Finally, it’s important to consider the accountant’s fee structure when selecting a contractor accountant. Look for an accountant who offers transparent and competitive fees, with no hidden costs or surprises.

Consider whether the accountant charges a flat fee or an hourly rate, and whether they offer any additional services, such as tax planning or bookkeeping. Make sure you understand the accountant’s fee structure before you agree to work with them, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need clarification.

Opt for an accountant with contractor-specific experience, good reputation, and transparent fee structure. For guidance on selecting the right professional, visit How to Choose a Contractor Accountant.

Accountancy for Different Business Structures

When it comes to finding the best contractor accountants, it’s important to consider the type of business structure you have. Different business structures have different accounting requirements and challenges. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Limited Company Accountants

If you run a limited company, you’ll need an accountant who is familiar with the specific accounting requirements for this type of business structure. This includes preparing and filing annual accounts, managing corporation tax, and ensuring compliance with Companies House and HMRC regulations. Your accountant should also be able to advise you on issues such as director’s remuneration and dividend payments.

When choosing a limited company accountant, look for someone who has experience working with small businesses and who understands the unique challenges faced by contractors. They should be able to provide you with a clear breakdown of their fees and services, and be willing to answer any questions you have about the accounting process.

Sole Trader and Partnership Accounting

If you’re a sole trader or part of a partnership, your accounting requirements will be slightly different. You’ll need an accountant who can help you manage your self-assessment tax returns, as well as provide advice on issues such as business expenses and record-keeping.

When choosing a sole trader or partnership accountant, look for someone who has experience working with small businesses and who understands the unique challenges faced by contractors. They should be able to provide you with a clear breakdown of their fees and services, and be willing to answer any questions you have about the accounting process.

In summary, finding the best contractor accountant for your business requires careful consideration of your specific accounting requirements. Whether you’re a limited company, sole trader or part of a partnership, look for an accountant who has experience working with small businesses and who can provide you with the advice and support you need to succeed.

Compliance and Legislation

When it comes to choosing the best contractor accountant, compliance and legislation should be top of mind. Understanding the various regulations and requirements can help you avoid costly mistakes and penalties. In this section, we’ll cover two key areas of compliance: IR35 and Making Tax Digital.

Understanding IR35

IR35 is a piece of tax legislation that affects contractors and freelancers who work through a limited company. It was introduced to prevent workers from avoiding tax by setting up a limited company and then working as a contractor for their former employer. If you fall inside IR35, you will be treated as an employee for tax purposes, and you will need to pay income tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) as if you were an employee.

It’s important to work with a contractor accountant who understands IR35 and can help you stay compliant. They can advise you on whether you fall inside or outside of IR35, and help you structure your business in a way that minimises your tax liability. They can also help you prepare for an IR35 investigation and represent you in case of a dispute with HMRC.

Making Tax Digital and HMRC Requirements

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a government initiative that requires businesses to keep digital records and submit their VAT returns online. The aim is to make the tax system more efficient and reduce errors. If you’re a VAT-registered business with a taxable turnover above the VAT threshold, you must keep digital records and submit your VAT returns using MTD-compatible software.

Your contractor accountant can help you comply with MTD requirements and ensure that you’re using the right software. They can also help you keep accurate records and submit your returns on time. In addition, they can advise you on other HMRC requirements, such as corporation tax and self-assessment tax returns.

In summary, compliance and legislation are key considerations when choosing the best contractor accountant. Look for an accountant who understands IR35 and can help you stay compliant, and who can also advise you on Making Tax Digital and other HMRC requirements.

Accounting Software and Technology

When it comes to managing your finances as a contractor, accounting software and technology can be a game changer. With the right tools, you can streamline your accounting processes, save time and money, and gain valuable insights into your business finances. Here are some key considerations when choosing accounting software and technology:

Choosing the Right Accounting Software

There are many accounting software options available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular options for contractors include FreeAgent, Xero, and QuickBooks. When choosing accounting software, consider the following:

  • Features: Look for software that offers the features you need to manage your finances effectively. This might include invoicing, expense tracking, payroll, and tax preparation.
  • Ease of use: Choose software that is intuitive and easy to use, even if you don’t have a background in accounting.
  • Cost: Consider the cost of the software, including any monthly or annual fees, as well as the cost of any add-ons or integrations you may need.
  • Support: Look for software that offers good customer support, including online resources, tutorials, and responsive customer service.

Integrations and Automation

One of the biggest advantages of using accounting software is the ability to integrate with other tools and automate processes. This can save you time and reduce the risk of errors. Consider the following:

  • Bank feeds: Look for software that can automatically import transactions from your bank account, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Integrations: Consider whether the software integrates with other tools you use, such as project management software or time tracking tools.
  • Automation: Look for software that allows you to automate processes such as invoicing, expense tracking, and payroll, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Overall, choosing the right accounting software and technology can help you manage your finances more effectively as a contractor. Consider your needs, budget, and preferences when choosing software, and look for tools that offer the features, ease of use, and support you need to succeed.

Tax Planning and Returns

When it comes to contractor accountants, tax planning and returns are some of the most important services they provide. Here are some of the key things to look for when choosing an accountant to handle your tax planning and returns.

Strategic Tax Planning

A good contractor accountant will help you to plan your tax strategy in a way that minimises your tax liability while staying within the bounds of the law. They will take the time to understand your business and your personal financial situation, and will work with you to identify areas where you can reduce your tax burden. This might involve structuring your business in a certain way, taking advantage of tax credits and deductions, or making strategic investments.

Handling VAT and Tax Returns

In addition to helping you plan your tax strategy, a good contractor accountant will also handle your VAT and tax returns. This means that they will prepare and submit your VAT returns and self-assessment tax returns on your behalf, ensuring that they are accurate and submitted on time. They will also keep you informed of any changes to tax laws or regulations that might affect your business, and will help you to stay compliant with all relevant tax laws.

When choosing a contractor accountant to handle your tax planning and returns, it is important to look for someone who has experience working with contractors and freelancers. They should have a good understanding of the specific tax issues that affect these types of businesses, and should be able to provide you with expert tax planning advice that is tailored to your unique situation.

Overall, working with a good contractor accountant can help you to save money on your taxes and ensure that you stay compliant with all relevant tax laws. So if you’re a contractor or freelancer, it’s important to choose an accountant who can help you navigate the complex world of tax planning and returns with confidence and ease.

Additional Accountancy Services

When choosing a contractor accountant, it is important to consider the additional services they offer. These services can help you manage your business more efficiently and can save you time and money in the long run.

Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

Many contractor accountants offer bookkeeping and payroll services as part of their package. This can be a great way to ensure that your finances are kept up to date and that your employees are paid on time.

Bookkeeping services can include the preparation of your annual accounts, VAT returns, and management accounts. Your accountant can also help you with cash flow forecasting and budgeting.

Payroll services can include the processing of your monthly payroll, the calculation of PAYE and National Insurance contributions, and the preparation of P60s and P11Ds.

Company Formation and Business Advice

In addition to bookkeeping and payroll services, many contractor accountants offer company formation and business advice. This can be particularly useful if you are just starting out in business.

Company formation services can include the registration of your company with Companies House and the preparation of your memorandum and articles of association.

Business advice can include guidance on tax planning, IR35 compliance, and other legal and financial issues. Your accountant can also help you with business planning and forecasting.

When choosing a contractor accountant, it is important to consider the additional services they offer. These services can help you manage your business more efficiently and can save you time and money in the long run. Be sure to ask your accountant about the specific services they offer and how they can help you achieve your business goals.

Factors Influencing Costs

When searching for a contractor accountant, it’s important to understand the factors that influence the costs. The cost of hiring a contractor accountant can vary depending on several factors, including the level of service required, the size of the business, and the complexity of the accounts.

Understanding the Monthly Fee

Most contractor accountants charge a monthly fee for their services. This fee can range from £50 to £200 per month depending on the level of service required. Some accountants charge a flat fee, while others charge a percentage of your turnover. It’s important to understand what is included in the monthly fee.

Some accountants offer a basic package that includes bookkeeping, annual accounts, and tax returns. Other accountants offer a more comprehensive package that includes additional services such as payroll, VAT returns, and advice on tax planning.

Additional Costs for Services

In addition to the monthly fee, there may be additional costs for specific services. For example, some accountants charge extra for payroll services, while others include it in the monthly fee. It’s important to understand what services are included in the monthly fee and what services will incur additional costs.

Other additional costs may include fees for registering for VAT, preparing and submitting self-assessment tax returns, and dealing with HMRC enquiries. It’s important to ask your accountant about any additional costs upfront to avoid any surprises later on.

Overall, the cost of hiring a contractor accountant can vary depending on several factors. It’s important to understand what services are included in the monthly fee and what services will incur additional costs. By doing your research and understanding the costs involved, you can find the best contractor accountant for your business.

Finding Accountants in Specific Locations

If you are looking for a contractor accountant in the UK, you can find them in different locations across the country. Here are some tips on how to find the best contractor accountants in specific locations.

Accountants in England

When looking for an accountant in England, you can start by searching for accountants in major cities like London, Manchester, and Birmingham. These cities have a large number of accountants who specialise in contractor accounting.

If you live in Yorkshire or York, you can find a local accountant by searching for “contractor accountants in Yorkshire” or “contractor accountants in York.” This will give you a list of accountants in your area who specialise in contractor accounting.

Accountants in Wales and Scotland

If you live in Wales, you can find a local accountant by searching for “contractor accountants in Wales.” This will give you a list of accountants in your area who specialise in contractor accounting.

Similarly, if you live in Scotland, you can find a local accountant by searching for “contractor accountants in Scotland.” This will give you a list of accountants in your area who specialise in contractor accounting.

When choosing an accountant, it is important to consider their experience and qualifications. Look for an accountant who has experience working with contractors in your industry. They should also have a good understanding of the tax laws and regulations that apply to contractors.

In summary, finding a contractor accountant in specific locations in the UK is easy if you know where to look. Use online search engines to find accountants in your area, and choose an accountant who has experience working with contractors in your industry.

The Importance of Support and Communication

When it comes to choosing the best contractor accountant, support and communication are two of the most important factors to consider. Having a dedicated accountant who can offer you support and advise you on financial matters can make all the difference in the success of your business.

Client-Accountant Relationships

Building a strong relationship with your accountant is crucial to ensuring that you receive the best possible service. A good accountant will take the time to get to know you and your business, and will be able to offer tailored advice that is specific to your needs. They should also be able to anticipate your needs and offer proactive support to help you stay on top of your finances.

Channels of Communication

Communication is key when it comes to working with a contractor accountant. You should choose an accountant who is easy to reach and responds to your queries in a timely manner. A good accountant will be available to answer any questions you may have and will be able to explain complex financial matters in a way that is easy to understand.

To ensure that you are able to communicate effectively with your accountant, it is important to establish clear channels of communication from the outset. This may include regular phone or email check-ins, scheduled meetings, or the use of online accounting software that allows you to keep track of your finances in real-time.

Building a strong relationship with your accountant, underpinned by effective communication, is essential. Choose an accountant who is responsive and clear in their communications. Explore the benefits of online accountants at Why Online Accountants Are Good for Your Small Business.

Evaluating Client Experiences

When looking for the best contractor accountant, it’s important to evaluate their client experiences. This can help you get a better understanding of the quality of service they provide. Here are some ways to evaluate client experiences:

Reading Reviews and Testimonials

One way to evaluate a contractor accountant is by reading reviews and testimonials from their clients. This can give you an idea of how satisfied their clients are with their services. You can find reviews and testimonials on their website, social media pages, and other online directories.

When reading reviews, look for patterns in the feedback. Are clients consistently happy with the accountant’s services, or do they have a lot of negative feedback? Also, pay attention to the specific services that clients are reviewing. If you’re looking for help with IR35, for example, look for reviews that specifically mention this service.

Social Media and Professional Networks

Social media and professional networks can also be a good source of information about a contractor accountant. You can check their LinkedIn profile to see their qualifications, work experience, and recommendations from other professionals. You can also check their social media pages to see how they interact with their clients and followers.

When evaluating a contractor accountant’s social media presence, look for signs of professionalism and expertise. Do they share useful information about accounting and tax issues, or do they mostly post promotional content? Do they respond promptly and professionally to client inquiries and comments?

Client reviews and social media interactions are insightful for evaluating an accountant’s service quality. To understand the reasons for switching accountants, visit Nine Reasons to Switch Your Accountant.

Final Considerations Before Hiring

Before you hire a contractor accountant, there are a few final considerations to keep in mind to ensure that you make the best decision for your business needs.

Checking for All-Inclusive Packages

When considering hiring a contractor accountant, it is important to check if they offer all-inclusive accountancy packages. These packages typically include a range of services such as bookkeeping, tax returns, payroll, and other financial services. This can be a cost-effective option since you won’t have to pay for each service separately.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Another important consideration is whether the accountant has professional indemnity insurance. This type of insurance protects you in the event that the accountant makes a mistake that results in financial loss for your business. It is important to ask about this insurance before hiring an accountant to ensure that you are protected.

Contractor Accountant vs General Accountant

It is also important to consider whether you need a specialist accountancy firm that focuses on contractor accounting or if a general accountant will suffice. While a general accountant may be able to handle your finances, a specialist firm will have a deeper understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by contractors. This can be especially important when it comes to issues such as IR35.

Overall, when choosing a contractor accountant, it is important to carefully consider your options and choose a firm that offers the services that you need at a price that fits your budget. By taking the time to do your research and ask the right questions, you can be confident that you are making the best decision for your business.


In conclusion, finding the best contractor accountant for your business is crucial for your financial success. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that you select the right accountant for your needs.

Remember to consider the qualifications and experience of the accountant, as well as their fees and services offered. Look for an accountant who specialises in working with contractors and has a good reputation in the industry.

It’s also important to ensure that the accountant is up-to-date with the latest tax legislation and regulations. This will help you avoid any potential legal issues or penalties down the line.

Overall, taking the time to research and select the right contractor accountant can save you time, money, and stress in the long run. With the right accountant on your side, you can focus on growing your business and achieving your financial goals.

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